Tuesday, 28 October 2014

The Versatile Blogger Award

A few days back I received a comment on one of my posts from the lovely Indi Stilling over at Random Indi (Check out her blog by clicking here) saying that she had nominated me for "The Versatile Blogger Award". Thank-you very much Indi! 


I'd never heard of this award before but - much like the Liebster award, which I'm sure most people have heard of now - it seems to create the chance for bloggers to interact with each other and for smaller blogs to get some of the recognition they deserve. 
Now, enough of my rambling, it's time to get back to the point of this post, the award itself. 

The Rules: 
1. Show the award of your blog 
2. Thank the person who nominated you 
3. Share 7 facts about yourself 
4. Nominate 15 blogs 
(I personally think this is quite a lot so don't feel you have to  nominate this many haha!)
5. Link your nominees in the post & let them know

So here we go..
Facts about me:

1. I have 6 piercings including my nose, belly button at least 2 in each ear 
2. My favourite series of books are The Hunger Games (Borderline obsessed over here!)
3. I'm a quarter Irish as my Gramp was from Ireland
4. I moved away for university when I was 19 and, besides visits for holidays, have lived away ever since
5. One of my biggest fears is flying (it's just so high up & I hate that I can't get off the plane if I want!)
6. Although I'm 22 part of me would LOVE for something like Pokemon to be real- or Harry Potter.
7. I currently live in the city but part of me massively misses living in the countryside

The blogs I nominate are: 

1. Nathan - My Transexual Story
2. Lucie - Lipstick and Lashes
3. Viktoria - The Calm Way
4. Bryony - Indecisive Bry
5. Rosa - Meeky
6. Ally - Pinspired
7. Holly - Emfire
8. Anne - Anne and Spencer
9. Lola - Eccentric Erudite 
10. Trish - Reserved for Ruby 
11. Lauren - Totally Typically
12. Becky - Where Our Time Went 
13. Francesca - My Confessions of Being A Shopaholic
14. Georgina - Skipping In Daisies 
15. Karis - Karis Atkinson 

I enjoy little posts like this, as it gives me an excuse to write about things that I probably wouldn't usually and interact with other bloggers in the blogging world! 

If you do this post let me know! I'd love to read your facts!

Thanks again to Indi for nominating me. 



  1. Thanks for the tag! I'll certainly considering giving this ago. :)

    I wish Pokemon were real too. Can you imagine?!!


    1. You're welcome :)
      It would be amazing! Having a little pikachu walking around with you! Haha


  2. I love the Hunger Games and would love Harry Potter to be real too!


    1. The Hunger Games is amazing! Cannot wait for the next film to come out!
      Part of me is still waiting for my Hogwarts letter haha!

  3. I Would Love Pokemon To Be Real, It Would Be Amazing :D :D


    1. It would be incredible! I'd 100% be a Pokemon trainer for a living!


The Versatile Blogger Award

A few days back I received a comment on one of my posts from the lovely Indi Stilling over at Random Indi (Check out her blog by clicking here) saying that she had nominated me for "The Versatile Blogger Award". Thank-you very much Indi! 


I'd never heard of this award before but - much like the Liebster award, which I'm sure most people have heard of now - it seems to create the chance for bloggers to interact with each other and for smaller blogs to get some of the recognition they deserve. 
Now, enough of my rambling, it's time to get back to the point of this post, the award itself. 

The Rules: 
1. Show the award of your blog 
2. Thank the person who nominated you 
3. Share 7 facts about yourself 
4. Nominate 15 blogs 
(I personally think this is quite a lot so don't feel you have to  nominate this many haha!)
5. Link your nominees in the post & let them know

So here we go..
Facts about me:

1. I have 6 piercings including my nose, belly button at least 2 in each ear 
2. My favourite series of books are The Hunger Games (Borderline obsessed over here!)
3. I'm a quarter Irish as my Gramp was from Ireland
4. I moved away for university when I was 19 and, besides visits for holidays, have lived away ever since
5. One of my biggest fears is flying (it's just so high up & I hate that I can't get off the plane if I want!)
6. Although I'm 22 part of me would LOVE for something like Pokemon to be real- or Harry Potter.
7. I currently live in the city but part of me massively misses living in the countryside

The blogs I nominate are: 

1. Nathan - My Transexual Story
2. Lucie - Lipstick and Lashes
3. Viktoria - The Calm Way
4. Bryony - Indecisive Bry
5. Rosa - Meeky
6. Ally - Pinspired
7. Holly - Emfire
8. Anne - Anne and Spencer
9. Lola - Eccentric Erudite 
10. Trish - Reserved for Ruby 
11. Lauren - Totally Typically
12. Becky - Where Our Time Went 
13. Francesca - My Confessions of Being A Shopaholic
14. Georgina - Skipping In Daisies 
15. Karis - Karis Atkinson 

I enjoy little posts like this, as it gives me an excuse to write about things that I probably wouldn't usually and interact with other bloggers in the blogging world! 

If you do this post let me know! I'd love to read your facts!

Thanks again to Indi for nominating me. 



  1. Thanks for the tag! I'll certainly considering giving this ago. :)

    I wish Pokemon were real too. Can you imagine?!!


    1. You're welcome :)
      It would be amazing! Having a little pikachu walking around with you! Haha


  2. I love the Hunger Games and would love Harry Potter to be real too!


    1. The Hunger Games is amazing! Cannot wait for the next film to come out!
      Part of me is still waiting for my Hogwarts letter haha!

  3. I Would Love Pokemon To Be Real, It Would Be Amazing :D :D


    1. It would be incredible! I'd 100% be a Pokemon trainer for a living!
